Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon

Join the Best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon to Live a Free Life

With the increase in addiction and addicts, it has become necessary to look for rehabilitation and addiction recovery treatments to live a free life. Henceforth, India Rehabs, the best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon, is here to provide inpatient facilities for all addicts to receive proper treatment. 

Addiction can turn your life into a darker version of a nightmare. However, what is even more horrible is that the addicts do not realize themselves that they are in a nightmare. They don’t feel the need to change or stop their addiction. Therefore, if you or your loved one is an addict then you need recovery to live an addiction-free life. India Rehabs can help you with that. Hence, join our Gurgaon Nasha Mukti Kendra and recover your healthy life by conquering addiction. 

Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon

Recover From Your Addiction At Our Centre India Rehabs

How does India Rehabs help you in addiction recovery? Well, India Rehabs thoroughly deals with your addiction from the first step of understanding it to the last step of recovering from it. Our center usually has six main steps to help you recover from addiction. 

  • Understanding the Addiction

The first step at our centre is to understand your addiction. Everyone has a different addiction and how severely that addiction is affecting them is different from person to person. Hence, the first step is to understand your condition, severity, treatment and addiction needs, etc.

  • Personalizing the Treatments

The second step in helping you recover from your addiction is to personalize the treatment according to your needs and addiction severity. Personalizing treatments is necessary as this helps the patients more. Doctors understand your addiction and body condition first to plan a schedule and devise the cure.

  • Working Towards Your Better Health

The third step is to work together to walk towards better health. In this step, we work on the treatment plan we made in the last step. Then we will assign a doctor or a psychologist to help you move forward. The detoxification process, medication, therapies, and counseling everything will be taken care of in this step.

  • Not Neglecting Your Hygienic Stay

While going through the treatment together, we have to make sure our patient is not indulging in their addiction again. For this, we have inpatient services where the patient must stay at our center throughout the treatment process. 

  • Physical Fitness is Necessary

As everyone knows, addiction harms the addict’s physical and mental fitness. Hence, it is necessary to take care of your physical fitness. Moreover, being fit and fine helps you recover faster than before. For this, we arrange various activities, exercise sessions, yoga, and meditation. 

  • After Treatment Care is Also Available

The last step of your treatment is your total recovery. However, India Rehabs makes sure that even after your treatment ends you will continue to stay away from your addiction. For this, we provide after-treatment care.

Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon

What Addiction Treatment You Need?

Most addicts do not realize that the addiction they have might need treatment. They do not find any need to recover or stop that addiction. Hence, here let’s learn a bit about what addictions need treatments.

  1. Alcohol Addiction – Alcoholism has always been a bane in India. All addicts with alcohol addiction need to seek treatment or else their physical health keep deteriorating. 
  2. Drug Addiction – Among youngsters drug abuse has become a common thing. They take drugs as if it’s a trend. Their lives would be ruined if we don’t help them recover fast. 
  3. Tambaku & Gutka Addiction – Tambaku and gutka addiction is taken lightly by everyone. They still eat it even after knowing the harm it can cause them. Let’s stop this addiction by properly giving them treatment. 
  4. Smoking Addiction – Using cigarettes and hookah has become really common among youngsters. Once again they take it as normal as drinking soda, without realizing that smoking addiction can ruin their lungs and fertility. 
  5. Harmful Substance Abuse – There are many harmful substances that people use nowadays. Substance abusers may not even realize it themselves. Hence, proper teaching is necessary. For you, you can come to India Rehabs’ counseling sessions. 
  6. Behavior Addiction – There are many harmful behavior people can addicted to, such as harming themselves, gambling addiction, porn addiction, internet addiction, masturbation addiction, etc.
    Seek proper treatment in case of any of these addictions.

Treatment Approach of the Top Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon

India Rehabs, the top Nasha Mukti Kendra Ghaziabad has a unique 12-step treatment approach. All the steps of this approach help with your recovery and rehabilitation to gain a healthy addiction-free life.

  1. Counseling
  2. Detoxification
  3. Medication
  4. Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  5. Physiotherapy
  6. Family Therapy
  7. Group Activities
  8. Mental Calming Activities
  9. Nourishing Meals
  10. Educational Sessions
  11. Checkup Sessions
  12. After-treatment Care

Nasha Mukti Kendra in Gurgaon

Why Choose Us?

India Rehabs comes at first whenever someone searches “Nasha Mukti Kendra Near Me.” This best rehab centre can cure everyone’s addiction. Let’s check out all the specialties of this centre to know why to choose India Rehabs.

  • Expert & Experienced Help – India Rehabs has every member with a high experience. Every doctor, psychiatrist, and medical staff is an expert in their duty and knows how to handle everything well.
  • All Services & Treatments Available – Choose India Rehabs as they provide every service and treatment. Here you will not be banned from contacting your family or your family visiting you.
  • All Accommodation Facilities Available – For your comfortable stay, India Rehabs has every facility. From clean rooms to hygienic meals made separately for veg and non-veg dishes.
  • Affordable Treatments – The treatment of India Rehabs is affordable. They are cost-effective and come within your budget limit. You would not have to spend more than what goes on in your treatment.
  • Government Approved – India Rehabs, the Nasha Mukti Kendra in Delhi is government approved. Here they have all the certificates to prove they are genuine.
  • Free Phone Call Counseling – You can call India Rehab right now to receive free phone call counseling in which an expert will tell you everything that you need to know. From the treatment price to what steps they will take everything will be informed to you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is detoxification necessary for addiction rehabilitation?

Detoxification is a process that empties your body system of all the toxins and substances you have taken. This process is necessary because you cannot recover from your addiction if your body is not empty of previously taken toxins.

What facilities do you provide?

We have single rooms, shared rooms, hygienic washrooms, nourishing meals, a garden for morning walks, a library, a gym facility, a common room for games and activities, etc.

What is the total price of treatment?

If you are here for outpatient treatment services then your price will depend on the severity of your addiction. For the inpatient services, the price depends on your choosing facilities, the number of days you will stay, your addiction severity, and the additional help you would need.

Can my family members come to visit me daily?

Your family members can occasionally come to visit you but not daily. If everyone’s family members started coming daily then when would the patient divert their attention from addictions? 

Can I visit your centre before joining it?

Yes, you can visit our centre; moreover, you can also have a counseling session to understand how we will help treat you.